Developing the Whole

Vary the work to keep both you and your horse interested. Many non-dressage riders talk about “boring” circles. The truth is, dressage should never be boring for the horse but it will be if the rider is bored. If you are bored do something different. But don’t use this as an excuse to neglect your horse’s education.

The type of work will vary depending on the purpose of the session:

-Obedience - training

-Fittening – training, hacking

-Muscle building – collected work


-Educating (broadening experience and horizons) – hacking, travelling, competing, taking your horse for a walk

-Assessing – lessons, competing

Riding should be fun for you and your horse. I have noticed that whenever I am looking forward to my riding I ride well. In contrast whenever I am riding because I feel that I should I don’t ride very well.

Have you noticed the same thing? What affects you looking forward to your riding?

Going with the flow

Who says we should work our horse for exactly one hour each day? Often at exactly the same time each day. Try adopting a more flexible approach…listening to your body and your horse’s body. Some days this may mean you ride for an hour. Some days you may not ride at all. Others you may ride for 30 minutes or for two 40 minute sessions, whatever feels best for you and him. The point is that you choose and know why you made that choice.