Ward Cunningham

I've done the mechanical translation of Riding Dynamics by Kerry Turner. This is work in progress waiting upon the approval of the author. github

ISBN 978-0-9557084-0-4

Illustrations by Anne Fenn

- [ ] remove digits from chapter titles - [x] create and cite image assets - [ ] include synopsis in table of contents - [ ] title case for all titles - [x] cite subsections in sections, eg Horse Equipment - [ ] Kyrkland or Kyrklund - [x] enable full-text search - [x] find missing chapter paragraphs - [ ] remove trailing space, eg Going Sideways - [ ] ordered lists, eg Appendix 2 - Survey questions - [ ] remove index, now part of Biographies

Tools made for this project. The javascript, export.js, does the heavy lifting.


We pool all of the images using the file names we found in the epub.
