Why did I want to write this book?

I write when I become so excited about something that it has to find an “outlet” or I would burst. Writing is my release. It also helps me to clarify and confirm my thinking as I have to structure my thoughts so that I can explain them to others.

I also wanted to give something back. To whom? To horses and their people. I feel that by sharing this thinking with people like you I can benefit people and horses in the developed world. Equally, by using the book to raise funds for an international horse charity, The Brooke Organisation, I am benefiting equines in less developed countries and therefore the people who depend on them for their livelihood. And by buying this book you are too.

I chose to publish this book myself for two reasons. Firstly, because it enables me to generate more profit for charity (as opposed to the shareholders in a publishing company). And secondly, because I wanted to maintain the integrity of my words. I know many authors whose words have lost their original meaning through the editing process.

This book will undoubtedly be improved on in future; perhaps by me, perhaps by someone else. I know this because I have struggled to draw a line under what I include in the book now. Every day brings new discoveries I am anxious to share. So this is a record of my thinking based on what I have learnt up to now. It is all any book ever can be.

Along the way I have made choices about the look and feel of the book as this affects the production costs and consequently the price of the book and the money I raise for charity. Perhaps I have made some compromises on look and feel that may make the book less attractive to read. I ask you to bear with this and forgive me for it. Being an unknown author has a price.